Workers who encounter or witness an abnormal or shocking critical incident or traumatic event can go into shock and/or experience stress and trauma.
Work-related critical incidents can involve your employees or co-workers, other individuals from your organization, or someone related to them, and can occur in the workplace, at a work function, or even outside of the formal work setting.
Examples of critical and traumatic incidents can include:
Death of a co-worker, either in the line-of-duty or other workplace incident
Serious or life-threatening accident/injury to you or co-workers in the line of duty or other workplace incident
A near miss that threatens the health and safety of you or your co-workers
Suicide of a co-worker
Sudden death of a co-worker – not related to work
Loss of a patient after rescue attempts
Death of a child or critical incident involving children
Violence inflicted on you or a co-worker
Violent crime in or near the workplace
Events with excessive media interest
Natural disasters that affect your work
Certain occupations such as paramedics, fire fighters, police officers, security guards, and health care workers are also more readily exposed to traumatic incidents due to the nature of their work. Other critical incidents may involve individuals in your life that are not related to your work, for example, teammates from your sports club, classmates from your school, members of your community, etc.
You may be experiencing some or all of the following common symptoms:
Emotional Symptoms
Shock, denial, confusion
Lack of self-worth
Difficulty concentrating
Inability to complete normal daily functions
Withdrawing from others
Heightened anxiety about visiting the workplace
Physical Symptoms
Sleeping too much
Lack of energy
Nightmares of the workplace incident
Memory issues
Aches and pains
Tense muscles
We have the tools to help you heal and move beyond the pain.
At the Grief and Trauma Healing Centre we have trained specialists who are here to help you emotionally overcome the trauma you have faced in the workplace. We offer group debriefing and support, individual therapy and support, and training for managers.