There are over 40 forms of loss that can create the feelings of grief.
As defined by The Grief Recovery Institute, grief is the conflicting feelings caused by the end or change in a familiar pattern of behaviour. With that definition in mind, we have the potential to grieve any major change, transition, or loss in our lives.
You may have been affected by one or more of the following losses, either recently or long ago
Financial Loss or Change
Getting Married
Having a Baby
Job Loss or Change
Loss of Trust, Safety, or Control
Loss of Hopes, Dreams, or Expectations
Loss of Pregnancy (ie. Miscarriage; Termination)
Loss of Faith
Loss of Meaning or Purpose
Loss of Health, Illness, Injury, or Paralysis
Loss of Freedom
Loss of Childhood
Romantic Break-up
Pet Loss
Psychological Diagnosis (ie. Depression; Anxiety; PTSD)
Regardless of the loss(es) you are grieving, your feelings are completely normal and natural.
You may be experiencing some or all of the following common symptoms of grief:
Changes in sleeping and/or eating
Changes in routine
Difficulty concentrating
Excessive worry or panic
Emotional exhaustion
Frequent crying
Outbursts of anger
Overuse of alcohol, drugs, or other substances
Physical and/or emotional isolation
Preoccupation with the loss
Reduced energy or motivation
Waves of emotion
We have the tools to help you heal and move beyond the pain.
Fear is a normal and natural feeling after loss. Our fear can paralyze us in our suffering if we don’t take action to heal our hearts. We encourage you to step through your fear into courage, and take new action today.
Our healing approach is heart-centred, emotionally-focused, and action-oriented. We utilize highly-structured, evidence-informed methodologies that will equip you with the emotional and intellectual tools to complete the pain caused by your loss and empower you to move forward in your life.
For more information on our healing approach, please click here.