Abuse and assault can signify profound emotional and psychological trauma, often leading to long-lasting feelings of fear, shame, and powerlessness.
When we experience abuse and/or assault, it can disrupt our sense of safety, trust, and self-worth, leaving us vulnerable to long-term emotional and psychological challenges.
Unwanted sexual contact almost always leaves emotional (and sometimes physical) scars and is a very traumatic occurrence.
This includes any sexual act in which one person has not consented or is being coerced through power, age, responsibility imbalance, or with the use of drugs or alcohol. Acts like having sexually explicit pictures of you taken without consent, inappropriate touching, having someone expose their genitals, or even send you unwanted pictures are all considered sexual abuse and assault.
Sexual abuse and assault can have a lasting impact on your mental health.
You may be experiencing some or all of the following common symptoms:
Emotional Symptoms
Flashbacks, nightmares, or reliving the assault over and over
Shock, denial, confusion
Inability to trust anyone
Lack of self-worth
Feeling emotionally numb
Difficulty concentrating
Inability to complete normal daily functions
Withdrawing from others
Issues with sexual identity
Issues with sexual functioning
Relationship issues
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Physical Symptoms
Sleeping too much
Lack of energy
Memory issues
Aches and pains
Tense muscle
Eating too much or too little
We have the tools to help you heal and move beyond the pain.
There are several ways to work through issues caused by sexual assault or sexual abuse. We can work with you in order to provide a full evaluation or understanding and come up with the best possible plan to heal and work through issues.
If you have been the victim of sexual abuse or assault and are suffering from the mental and emotional aftereffects, The Grief and Trauma Healing Centre can help. We have several convenient locations across Alberta.
Note: The Grief and Trauma Healing Centre can also provide treatment for abusers.